Thank you for attending the 2025 HASTI Conference. Look for future announces for the 2026 HASTI Conference. If you are interested in helping with the planning of the 2026 conference, contact Dawn Bick! |
The NEW 2022 Indiana State Science Standards have been approved are now posted on the DOE website! | Question: I don't see the Members Only Page. Just click on the dark green person symbol in the upper right hand corner of this page. This will take you to a log in page for your HASTI membership. |
Are you currently involved in teaching science (formally or informally) at the Pre-K - 16 level? If you're an active teacher, informal educator, homeschool teacher, or are a retired science teacher, we have a membership for you! And pre-service teachers, we're here for you, too.
| Do you need some ready to go Science lessons for your students? Check out NSTA's Daily Do lessons! A new lesson is posted each day and cover a wide range of topics! | Our New Resources Pages